Since Stick Figure Central wouldn't even exist without the help of some people's help, I'd just like to give a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE thank you to:
YouTube, for some flippin' awesome videos!
Flipnote Hatena, for the Flipnotes and inspiration. They also got me interested in Stick Figures!
All of my friends and family for all the wonderful support.
Cheezburger, fo teechin' meh how teh talk lik dis and the LOLCats and FAILS.
Brian Regan for his awesome comedy skit and giving me the sense of humor that I have now. You're awesome! Eat your heart out, Dane Cook!
Qwest, for the high speed Internet.
Compaq, for the laptop that I use to post.
My mom, who got me the laptop that I use to post.
My imaginary pet donkey, for no good reason at all.
My parents, for giving birth to me.
Google, for making Blogspot.
The guy who invented Internet, for obvious reasons.
YOU for visiting!!!